Signposting - Support for families - Support for parents & carers - New Support Offer for Parent Carers in Wiltshire


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New Support Offer for Parent Carers in Wiltshire

Following the news of the new contract arrangements for supporting unpaid carers in Wiltshire, the WPCC arranged a session on 19th April 2024 for parent carers to meet, hear from and talk to commissioners to understand more about arrangements specifically for parent carers of children and young people aged 0 to 25 with SEND. We would like to thank everyone who attended the session which generated rich, helpful and constructive conversation. Some actions have been taken away as a result of this session and we will share further information in due course.

Following this session, we felt it would be helpful to clarify some elements of the support for parent carers to hopefully reduce some confusion.

The New Contract
The new contract which began on 1st April, has been split into three parts: -

* Support for Young Carers and Young Adult Carers aged 5 to 25.

-This element of the contract is provided by Community First. More information is on their [website].

* Support for unpaid carers including parent carers is provided by a consortium of a number organisations called Carers Together Wiltshire.

-Carers Together Wiltshire has a [website] which describes how the consortium, led by Age UK, will help unpaid carers.
-Possibly of most help to parent carers is a single point of contact phone number: 01380 710300.
-Enquiries can also be emailed to:

* A digital platform has also been commissioned; this is called [Carer Friendly Wiltshire] and is managed by Forward Carers.

-This website includes a section specifically for parent carers.
-The website has some free resources to support unpaid carers

Carers’ Emergency Card
The Carers’ Emergency Card is being replaced by the Carer ID Card. The Carer ID Card offers a form of verified identification, verifies your caring identity and includes your photograph and your In Case of Emergency (ICE) contact details. The card is free of charge, and issued by Forward Carers. The Carer ID Card will provide similar support to previous Carers’ Emergency Card, i.e. you will have an emergency plan that will be actioned if you are in an accident for example.

You do not need to apply for a Carer ID Card if you have an in-date Carers’ Emergency Card. We understand that in time, people with a Carers’ Emergency Card will be sent a letter and will be invited to apply for a Carer ID Card.

You can apply for a free Carer ID card [HERE].